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Caring for your crystals.

Cleansing and charging

To cleanse and charge crystals, you'll need to follow a few simple steps. First, cleansing is essential to remove any negative energies the crystal may have absorbed. You can cleanse your crystals by placing them under running water, such as a stream or tap, for a few minutes. Another method is using smoke from sage or palo santo to smudge the crystals. Alternatively, you can bury them in the earth for a day or two. After cleansing, it's time to charge the crystals with your intention. Find a peaceful place, hold the crystal in your hands, and focus on your positive intention for it. Visualize white light surrounding the crystal, infusing it with your purpose. You can also place the crystal in direct sunlight or moonlight for a few hours to charge it naturally. Regularly cleansing and charging your crystals helps maintain their energy and enhances their metaphysical properties.

Not compatible with water.

Crystals that should generally not be submerged in water include:

1. Selenite
2. Halite (Rock Salt)

3. Desert Rose
4. Lepidolite
5. Pyrite

6. Hematite
7. Malachite
8. Angelite
9. Azurite
10. Fluorite

Keep in mind that while these crystals may not be water-friendly, there are various cleansing and charging methods suitable for each type of crystal. Always research the specific crystal you have to ensure proper care and maintenance.



Please note that products may vary in color or size due to natural variations or manufacturing processes. It's important to understand that the information provided here is for general knowledge and informational purposes only. It should not be taken as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional regarding any health-related concerns or decisions. Your individual circumstances and needs should be assessed by a medical expert to ensure appropriate guidance and care.

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